Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Can Feel the Breeze

While it is probably too early to talk about last night's off season election as a full blown wind of change, I have to believe President Obama felt at least a bit of a breeze in the air last night with the results of the gubernatorial contests in both Virginia and New Jersey.
These were both states that Obama won handily in 2008 yet last night both states elected Republican governors. In the case of Virginia it was a clean sweep as the GOP took the Attorney General and Lt. Governor's race as well.
The story in New Jersey had to be particularly concerning to the President as he personally campaigned and held fundraisers for Governor Corzine only to have him lose the election to Republican Chris Christie. Could the Celebrity in Chief be losing his Midas touch? Or are people just beginning to realize that this whole "hope and change" thing isn't all that it was cracked up to be? Either way President Obama had about as much influence on the voters of New Jersey as he had on the Olympic Selection Committee in Denmark.....and that's what shim sez..