Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just a thought

First it was the Treasury Secty. and now Tom's a thought...rather than liberal spending packages disguised as a stimulus package let's start by getting Obama appointees to pay their back taxes!!! That would certainly be a start to helping our economy.....that's what shim sez....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Rough start for Dems

The Blago mess, the Caroline Kennedy fiasco, and the new Head of our Treasury Dept. didn't pay his taxes!.....rough start to 2009 for liberal Dems......that's what shim sez....


Hats off to House Republicans (and 11 Democrats) for seeing the so called stimulus package for what it really is...a glorified spending package. If it were truly a stimulus package all of the money would be put to use asap to um....STIMULATE the economy. Much of this package doesn't go into effect until 2010 or beyond! Over $300mil to fight STD's??$400million to fight global warming? Just a few examples of typical liberal Democrat runaway spending proposed in this plan. Let's pass a true stimulus plan to jump start the economy that includes more tax cuts that lead to true job creation and LESS spending! As usual the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd.....and I'm afraid our new President just don't get it! Steelers by 10! And that is what shim sez.......

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


As usual Rush is right! In the latest flap over Rush Limbaugh's comments about hoping our new President was LIBERALISM that rush wants to see fail NOT President Obama! by the way... I agree. If President Obama wants to govern from a more centrist positon I'm all for him succeeding. However if he tries to take our country too far to the left (which early indications are he won't) and pander to the Pelosi and Reid mentality...I hope that fails too.
As for the media outrage to Rush's comments about our new President...where was all that outrage when the likes of Keith Olberman and others brutally insulted former President Bush at will?