Tuesday, January 27, 2009


As usual Rush is right! In the latest flap over Rush Limbaugh's comments about hoping our new President fails....it was LIBERALISM that rush wants to see fail NOT President Obama! by the way... I agree. If President Obama wants to govern from a more centrist positon I'm all for him succeeding. However if he tries to take our country too far to the left (which early indications are he won't) and pander to the Pelosi and Reid mentality...I hope that fails too.
As for the media outrage to Rush's comments about our new President...where was all that outrage when the likes of Keith Olberman and others brutally insulted former President Bush at will?


  1. interesting folks here on the interwebs.
    go tribe.

  2. yes, interesting indeed. but in all seriousness, i didn't vote for obama either. i do, however, think that his policies will bring about change that is really needed to wake up the country. His speech itself did talk alot about unifying the country despite our differences, which may actually work since he has more support in the African American community. who knows. he made a specific point in saying that we know that success isn't given to us, it is a result of work, so there is a bit of a reach out to more of the conservative community as well. anxious to see how it works out.
