Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Wind is Picking Up

An unfriendly weather report to all Democrats and liberals across the country....that slight breeze that was reported here on November 4th after Republican gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey has been upgraded to a high wind in winds of change that is!
Republican Scott Brown's stunning victory in Massachusetts last night sent a clear message to liberals everywhere and to Washington in particular...America has stopped buying the garbage you are selling!
Brown's clear cut victory was a crushing blow to the latest Obama/Congress money and power grab..Healthcare reform. We can only hope that it's a sign of more changes to come.
With the three aforementioned elections combined with the forced retirement of Chris Dodd and Harry Reid's growing unpopularity in Nevada we can only hope that the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Barney Frank and company fall victims to the next strong winds that blow through Washington...mid term elections coming up in November. Now that's what I call "Hope and Change"...and that's what shim sez.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I found your blog by recommendation of your daughter to a friend of hers on facebook, who also happens to be a friend of mine.

    Now is an exciting time for the Republican party, if we can do it right this time and return to our conservative roots. It is refreshing to see the American people standing up for what's right and telling these liberals we won't stand by and watch socialism happen to our great country.
