Monday, March 22, 2010

Another "Historic" Event

Yes...despite the wishes of the majority of the American people President Obama and Congressional Democrats participated in another "historic" event last night with the ram passing of legislation to overhaul the American healthcare system.
After much eleventh hour wheeling and dealing to even get members of his own party to participate in his latest money grab and attack on business and wealth in this country the President and congressional Dems are celebrating their latest victory. The celebration is sure to be short lived however as mid term elections are just a little over seven months away....and that's what shim sez....

1 comment:

  1. What a sad day for our country. I do hope everyone stays fired up and truly remembers this come election time in November. We must take 40 seats away from them. And even more importantly, I pray that our Supreme Court will rule senisbly on the challenges to this latest "historic" event and repeal it.
