The latest Washington Post/ABC poll numbers show that only 49% of Americans polled now believe that President Obama will make the right decisions for our country. That's down from 60% when the poll was taken at the 100 day mark of Obama's presidency.
You see elections have consequences and these are some of the consequences we are faced with for electing a president as grossly inexperienced and unqualified as Barack Obama. But none of that seemed to matter when all people were concerned about was making history and feeling good about themselves because they were electing our country's first black president, qualifications be damned!
The man barely served time in the Senate and accomplished virtually nothing before beginning his run for the presidency. Everyone loved how he spoke without ever listening to the words he was saying. He looked good, sounded good and it was chic to be an Obama supporter and at the time that's all that really mattered. By God he was all about "hope and change!" Well how's all that "hope and change" working out for everyone now?
The chickens have begun to come home to roost.
His inexperience showed early when several of his newest appointees were a disaster due to income tax issues. He then (along with his liberal cronies in Congress) forced a $787 billion dollar spending package down our throats before anyone knew what was happening and now we are going to be paying off the debt for decades to come. He made a total fool out of himself by saying Cambridge police "acted stupidly" in the Gates affair without knowing all of the facts. Not to mention his apologizing and cozying up to petty anti American dictators around the world in an attempt to heal old wounds.
On top of all of that he is now trying to jam a healthcare reform package down everyone's throat that virtually every poll taken shows the vast majority of Americans simply don't want!
Yes it appears the bloom is off the rose. Most Americans are now finding out what some of us knew all along. The man is an empty suit, a far left leaning liberal woefully unqualified to be President of the United States....and that's what shim sez....
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1 year ago
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