Just as predicted right here the day after his address to the nation on February 24th (Good Speech...but Questions Remain) President Obama is about to have his "read my lips" moment. He guaranteed nobody earning less than $250,000 would have to pay a dime in new taxes to fund any of his programs. While intelligent people everywhere knew that wasn't possible because quite simply there aren't enough "rich" people out there to pay for all of this administrations wild spending... he emphasized the point by saying "not one thin dime."
This, along with the fallout from his idiotic statement about the Gates arrest and opposition to his healthcare plan should have him reeling a bit...that is unless the mainstream liberal media cover for him...Should be fun to watch...and that's what shim sez...
Abortion and guns in 2024 spotlight
1 year ago
why is not this the same as george bush's ...read my lips someone needs to get this snowball started...words mean something...not one thin dime ....not one thin dime