At a time when President Obama needed to show true leadership as Commander in Chief he instead turned what should have been a strategic military decision into a middle of the road political one.
I applaud his choice to commit an extra 30,000 troops to the fight in Afghanistan as I believe it is the only way to bring the war to a successful close. The plan however should be to send the troops in, overwhelm the enemy, take control of the country, train the Afghan army and security forces and then begin a systematic withdrawal when the time is right.
However rather than announcing the surge and coming up with a game plan for victory he immediately followed it with a withdrawal deadline of July 2011 to placate his liberal base.
The President of the United States owes the people of this country and more importantly our brave fighting men and women his total commitment to bringing this war to a successful close as quickly as possible. Our armed forces deserve much more than a President that half heartedly commits troops while at the same time planning to "cut and run" whether the job is finished or not.
Take a stand and be a leader Mr. President. You know what happens to people that take the middle of the road...they usually get run over by an on coming truck.....and that's what shim sez.
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1 year ago