Sunday, December 6, 2009

No Time For A Middle of The Road Decision

At a time when President Obama needed to show true leadership as Commander in Chief he instead turned what should have been a strategic military decision into a middle of the road political one.
I applaud his choice to commit an extra 30,000 troops to the fight in Afghanistan as I believe it is the only way to bring the war to a successful close. The plan however should be to send the troops in, overwhelm the enemy, take control of the country, train the Afghan army and security forces and then begin a systematic withdrawal when the time is right.
However rather than announcing the surge and coming up with a game plan for victory he immediately followed it with a withdrawal deadline of July 2011 to placate his liberal base.
The President of the United States owes the people of this country and more importantly our brave fighting men and women his total commitment to bringing this war to a successful close as quickly as possible. Our armed forces deserve much more than a President that half heartedly commits troops while at the same time planning to "cut and run" whether the job is finished or not.
Take a stand and be a leader Mr. President. You know what happens to people that take the middle of the road...they usually get run over by an on coming truck.....and that's what shim sez.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Can Feel the Breeze

While it is probably too early to talk about last night's off season election as a full blown wind of change, I have to believe President Obama felt at least a bit of a breeze in the air last night with the results of the gubernatorial contests in both Virginia and New Jersey.
These were both states that Obama won handily in 2008 yet last night both states elected Republican governors. In the case of Virginia it was a clean sweep as the GOP took the Attorney General and Lt. Governor's race as well.
The story in New Jersey had to be particularly concerning to the President as he personally campaigned and held fundraisers for Governor Corzine only to have him lose the election to Republican Chris Christie. Could the Celebrity in Chief be losing his Midas touch? Or are people just beginning to realize that this whole "hope and change" thing isn't all that it was cracked up to be? Either way President Obama had about as much influence on the voters of New Jersey as he had on the Olympic Selection Committee in Denmark.....and that's what shim sez..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Celebrity Gold Medal Put Down

With Chicago rumored to be the front runner for the 2016 Summer Olympics the Celebrity in Chief decided to take time out from the late night talk show circuit and fly over to Copenhagen and make an appearance to help secure the bid for the Windy City.
However a funny thing happened on the way home from Denmark. President Obama got word that his appearance helped influence the International Olympic Committee's decision alright. He was told that of the four remaining cities Chicago would be the first city ELIMINATED!
Apparently the IOC isn't as smitten and swayed by Obama's rhetoric like alot of people and most of the media are here in the United States. Imagine that...they listened to what he said and apparently weren't very impressed. Either that or the IOC is obviously racist. I mean why else would they not just fawn all over him and give him whatever he wants? At any rate almost two million dollars of taxpayer money later the 2016 Summer Olympics will be in Rio De Janiero.
Well at least that little escapade is over. Now that he's back home he can get back to work on the important job of attempting to run the automotive, banking and health care industries into the ground....and that's what shim sez...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hail to the CELEBRITY in Chief

Nice to see the Celebrity in Chief was at it again. With American troops dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, the healthcare debate raging across the country, and double digit employment staring us in the face it was nice to see President Obama taking the time out of his busy schedule to squeeze in an appearance and face some softball questions from David Letterman.
Other than holding carefully staged press conferences, flying across the country making speeches that amount to nothing more than campaign rallies and doing the celebrity circuit with the likes of Leno and Letterman can someone please tell me what this man has done for our country since he took office eight months ago? I mean what's appearance on Dancing With The Stars? Stay tuned..... and that's what shim sez......

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Bloom is Off The Rose

The latest Washington Post/ABC poll numbers show that only 49% of Americans polled now believe that President Obama will make the right decisions for our country. That's down from 60% when the poll was taken at the 100 day mark of Obama's presidency.
You see elections have consequences and these are some of the consequences we are faced with for electing a president as grossly inexperienced and unqualified as Barack Obama. But none of that seemed to matter when all people were concerned about was making history and feeling good about themselves because they were electing our country's first black president, qualifications be damned!
The man barely served time in the Senate and accomplished virtually nothing before beginning his run for the presidency. Everyone loved how he spoke without ever listening to the words he was saying. He looked good, sounded good and it was chic to be an Obama supporter and at the time that's all that really mattered. By God he was all about "hope and change!" Well how's all that "hope and change" working out for everyone now?
The chickens have begun to come home to roost.
His inexperience showed early when several of his newest appointees were a disaster due to income tax issues. He then (along with his liberal cronies in Congress) forced a $787 billion dollar spending package down our throats before anyone knew what was happening and now we are going to be paying off the debt for decades to come. He made a total fool out of himself by saying Cambridge police "acted stupidly" in the Gates affair without knowing all of the facts. Not to mention his apologizing and cozying up to petty anti American dictators around the world in an attempt to heal old wounds.
On top of all of that he is now trying to jam a healthcare reform package down everyone's throat that virtually every poll taken shows the vast majority of Americans simply don't want!
Yes it appears the bloom is off the rose. Most Americans are now finding out what some of us knew all along. The man is an empty suit, a far left leaning liberal woefully unqualified to be President of the United States....and that's what shim sez....

Monday, August 17, 2009

What....No Beers at The White House?

An intersting story came to light this past weekend when it was revealed that eccentric rocker Bob Dylan was picked up and briefly detained by police in Long Branch New Jersey after they received a call that a strange looking man was wandering around the neighborhood in the rain. When the 24 year old police officer arrived and asked for ID he claimed that he had none but told her he was Bob Dylan. Since the officer obviously did not recognize him she told him to get in the car and she drove him to his hotel where ID was presented and he was released.
Interesting...rather than scream and make a scene he did what the officer told him and the situation was quickly resolved. The police were not foolishly accused of acting "stupidly" by the President, this wasn't put forth as a "teachable" moment for America and nobody got invited to the White House for a few beers. Nothing more than a 68 year old former legend being treated like a complete a rolling stone....and that's what shim sez...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Does Healthcare Really Need A Major Overhaul?

As the healthcare debate rages on and President Obama and Congress plot on yet another way to take even more of our money, a few things are starting to become pretty clear. First of all just about every poll conducted shows that most Americans are AGAINST a major overhaul of the entire healthcare system.
Consider this. U.S. Census reports and a poll conducted by the Kaiser Foundation find that approximately 87% of Americans have some form of healthcare and the vast majority of them (89%) are happy with what they have. Of the 13% of the population that have no healthcare almost half of them claim that they CHOOSE not to have healthcare and pay out of pocket when illnesses or injury occur! That leaves approximately 6-7% of our population that wishes to have healthcare but do not. Now I ask you ..while the system isn't perfect and I'm sure some adjustments can (and should) be made, do we really need a massive multi billion dollar government run overhaul of the entire healthcare system to satisfy 6-7% of the population?
Let's look at this whole healthcare charade by Obama and Congressional Democrats and call it what it really is...more class warfare, and yet another multi billion dollar attempted money grab on the achievers, higher income earners and business owners in this country as they try to get them to foot the bill for a small percentage of people ...most of whom have never lifted a finger to help themselves or anyone else...and that's what shim sez.

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Not One Thin Dime"

Just as predicted right here the day after his address to the nation on February 24th (Good Speech...but Questions Remain) President Obama is about to have his "read my lips" moment. He guaranteed nobody earning less than $250,000 would have to pay a dime in new taxes to fund any of his programs. While intelligent people everywhere knew that wasn't possible because quite simply there aren't enough "rich" people out there to pay for all of this administrations wild spending... he emphasized the point by saying "not one thin dime."
This, along with the fallout from his idiotic statement about the Gates arrest and opposition to his healthcare plan should have him reeling a bit...that is unless the mainstream liberal media cover for him...Should be fun to watch...and that's what shim sez...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

Interesting to see that after just four days the "Cash For Clunkers" rebate program has to be suspended because auto dealers warned the government they are in danger of losing track of how many deals actually have been made and more importantly...the money set aside for the plan was about to run out! Looks like another poorly planned, mismanaged government program to me! And these are the people that want to take over our healthcare system.....and that's what shim sez...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Talking "Stupidly"

Most of last night's Presidential press conference went as expected with President Obama attempting to rally public support for his latest raid on American taxpayers and small business owners.....his healthcare plan.
Then things really got interesting. When asked his opinion about the recent arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates by the Cambridge Police Department Mr. Obama claimed that "even though I don't have all the facts" and admitted he might be a bit "biased" because Gates was a friend he feels the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" in arresting Mr. Gates!
With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, his takeover of the automotive and banking industry and his attempt to get in the healthcare business I would think the president would have more important issues to deal with than to make ridiculous statements about a local arrest which by his own admission he didn't have all the facts on!
The president should stop talking "stupidly". He's beginning to sound like Joe Biden.....and that's what shim sez..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking To The Airwaves

With his personal approval rating down and support for his health care plan dwindling even among members of his own party the "Celebrity in Chief" is doing what he does best...grabbing the teleprompter and addressing the nation tonight.
Yes he'll be eloquent and yes many of you will be impressed by the media love fest that follows, but for those of you that are among the higher income earners or the small business owners in this country look out....he's coming after even more of your money!
Similar to the $787 billion spending package that was crammed down our throats, this health care plan has to be done immediately!
It's going to be interesting to see how he proposes to pay for this without violating his pledge that Americans earning less than $250,000 will not pay "one thin dime" more in taxes.
Yes..another money grab is coming. Stay tuned...and that's what shim sez...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Look Out...They're Setting Us Up!

After hearing Vice President Joe Biden's recent comment that the administration "misread how bad the economy really was" I can't help but feel that we are being set up for another money grab. Believe me when I tell you sooner or later President Obama is going to get up in front of his teleprompter and we are going to hear that the $787 billion dollar spending plan that was rushed through Congress and jammed down our throats wasn't enough and they're going to need more. And he's going to have to go back on his word to get more!
I'd like to call your attention to a blog that appeared right on this site on Feb. 25th the night after Obama addressed the nation ("Good Speech...but Questions Remain").
In it I quoted the President when he said "nobody who earns under $250,000 a year will pay a dime in new taxes". For effect he repeated "not a dime". I called it his George Bush "Read my lips" moment recalling how when President Bush went back on his vow not to raise taxes he was hammered repeatedly by democrats and the liberal media alike and it played a big part in his election loss to Bill Clinton in 1992. Just wondering...what will the media reaction be when Obama breaks his "not a dime" promise and raises taxes on those earning LESS than $250,000 a year? Should be interesting....and that's what shim sez..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Did Palin Think This Through?

Whether you like her or not (I kind of like her). Whether you feel she helped or hurt John McCain in last November's election (I'm not sure she hurt him more than he hurt himself). I think nearly everyone can agree on one thing. After being picked from near obscurity to become candidate for Vice President...Sarah Palin was not ready for prime time.
Her stunning resignation as Alaska's governor to pursue a "higher cause" proves that once more.
Is she tired of all the jokes about her and her family from the likes of Saturday Night Live and David Letterman? Is she going to become a bigger force in the Republican Party and campaign for conservative candidates across America? Is she taking the time off to prep for her own Presidential run in 2012? While all of these are noble and sound reasons for not seeking re election she could have accomplished all of them and still completed her current term as governor.
She's been called alot of things within the last 10 months but her sudden resignation in the middle of her term enables her opponents to hang a label on her that is far more damaging than being called a simple small town hockey mom. They can now call her a quitter. If she stays in the rough and tumble world of national politics it will be extremely tough for her to shed that label regardless of what her "higher cause" is....and that's what shim sez...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mr. President It's Time to "Meddle"

With all of the upheaval in Iran over the disputed Presidential election, rather than say he didn't want to "meddle" in Iran's affairs I think it's time for the leader of the free world Barack Obama to at least make a statement for free elections, human rights and the Iranian people in general. While he's at it he might want to make a comment or two to that other petty dictator in North Korea regarding the recent kidnapping of two journalists as well. He probably doesn't want to interrupt his national celebrity tour promoting his "punish the rich, anti tort reform, government run health care plan.....and that's what shim sez..

Friday, June 5, 2009

Remember D-Day

Tomorrow is June 6th. D-Day. It was on this day 65 years ago that thousands of American and Allied forces launched the most massive military deployment in history when they stormed the beaches of Normandy and began the liberation of Europe which led to the eventual end of Nazi tyranny and the end of World War II.
As the number of WWII veterans continues to dwindle and the years pass by the day seems to occupy a smaller place in our minds. That can't happen. It was then and still is now one of the most (if not THE most) important day in American and World history. Who knows what course the history of the world would have taken had that invasion, dubbed Operation Overlord not been successful. I shudder to think.
Take a few moments of your busy day tomorrow and say a little prayer of thanks to the thousands of brave young men who risked their lives to literally save the world. Say a special prayer for the thousands that didn't make it home. Remember D-Day....... And that's what shim sez.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where are You Hiding Madame Speaker?

In the five days since Nancy Pelosi stammered, stuttered and back peddled her way through her last press conference the public has neither seen or heard from her.
Madame accused the CIA of lying to Congress and have little if any proof to back your story. It appears obvious that during your press conference you changed and twisted your story to suit your own partisan needs.
I urge you to come out of hiding and do the only two honorable things that are left to do. Apologize to the CIA and the American people......and resign. And that's what shim sez...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Obama Flip Flop

There seems to be an interesting pattern developing here. During the bright lights of the campaign and the first 100 days in office Barack Obama makes bold claims about things he is going to change in Washington or failed policies from the Bush Administration that he is going to eliminate. However once things die down and he thinks things through a bit he changes his mind. It happened a few months ago when Obama after promising to "rid Washington of special interest lobbyists" during the campaign and promising to punish any AIG executive that collected a bonus (remember the proposed 90% tax on the bonuses?) changed his tune after he recieved pressure from.....Insurance industry lobbyists claiming that he didn't want to unfairly punish those that really deserved a bonus.
It happened the other day when after weeks of playing partisan politics and grandstanding to release photos of alleged torture he changed his mind after finally realizing what most intelligent thinking Americans realized all along...that release of the photos would do more harm than good to America and it's troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Finally it appears he is about to do it again. After months of campaigning and talking about the failure of military tribunals during the Bush Administration (he actually suspended the tribunals during his first week in office saying they were a failure when it came to trying terror suspects) it was announced that he is going to indeed RESUME the military tribunal system! Now some on the left are saying that this is an example of how our new President thinks things through and isn't afraid to admit when he makes a mistake. I'm that it or is it the fact that he is in over his head and doesn't really have a plan at all? Makes you wonder doesn't it? And that's what shim sez...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting a Little Uncomfortable Madame Speaker?

After just watching Nancy Pelosi stammer, stutter, back peddle and act overly defensive during today's press conference where she was grilled by the press on when she knew about the water boarding issue a few things appear crystal clear.
First of all she is lying. Second of all it is obvious that she saw her main priority as House Speaker was to get a new President elected at all costs, and third in true liberal fashion she blames the previous administration...including the CIA for EVERYTHING!
Oh and by the way I think there is one other thing that is crystal clear after watching this embarrassing performance...we've just seen the beginning of the end of Nancy Pelosi's tenure as Speaker of the House.....and that's what shim sez.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Presidential Flip Flop on Abuse Photos

Citing that the release of photos showing U.S. troops abusing prisoners could cause harm to U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama has now changed his mind and is seeking to block the release of the photos he originally wanted made public.
In addition he said that the photos had already served their purpose in the investigation of a "small number of individuals." Those cases were all concluded in 2004 and the president said "the individuals have been identified and appropriate action has been taken."
If that is indeed the case then I'm confused. If appropriate action was taken against the individuals responsible for the abuse in 2004...maybe President Bush and his Administration didn't condone "torture" as Obama trumpeted throughout the campaign and the first 100 plus days of his election!
I just wish the President would have come to his senses and put an end to this nonsense sooner. Instead he's now put the lives of thousands of U.S soldiers at risk all in the name of partisan politics and the fulfillment of a flimsy campaign promise. And that's what shim sez...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dinner Double Standard

The old liberal double standard was in full force this weekend at the White House Correspondence Dinner. While partisan joking and fun is always a part of this annual event, Host Wanda Sykes crossed the line of decency when she bitterly attacked Rush Limbaugh comparing him to Osama Bin Laden and stating "he was the 20th hijacker but he was so spaced out on oxycontin he missed the flight".
I can only imagine the outrage coming from the left had a republican or conservative dinner host made those outrageous remarks about a liberal democrat! Why.... commentators the likes of that liberal hack Keith Olberman would have been beside himself and Al Sharpton would have been busy organizing a rally by now had the shoe been on the other foot!
Again, partisan humor at this event is one thing but to compare Limbaugh (or anyone else) to Bin Laden and joke that they were the 20th hijacker on that awful day in the name of "humor" is beyond me.
Still waiting for the anger from the left over those comments....or maybe those things are only terrible if a republican says them......and that's what shim sez...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

He Said What????

Never at a loss for words, when discussing the current flu epidemic this morning on the Today Show rather than urging everyone to remain calm and not over react, Vice President Joe Biden said that he would encourage anyone in his family to "avoid any airlines or subway travel." Just the type of level headed, calming leadership we need at a time like this. On second thought maybe old Joe knew what he was doing...he probably wants to put the airline and transit industries in the same shape as the auto and banking industries so the government can take them over too! And that's what shim sez...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another "Tough" Night With The Press

After watching the Celebrity in Chief eloquently read his opening remarks off the teleprompter to begin tonight's "press conference" we then heard 13 questions from pre-selected reporters ranging from the flu (he told everyone to wash their hands and stay home from work if your sick), to immigration, a few questions on waterboarding (with very little follow up), one on how the stimulus plan effects minorities, and a real beauty on what has "enchanted" him since he took office. My point is there wasn't one question...not one...on the economy! Hats off to David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and company for arranging this soft ball game between the President and the "tough" national press corps....and that's what shim sez...

Obama Disowns Deficit He Helped Create

Credit goes to AP writer Calvin Woodward for calling President Obama out when he was speaking to a group today at a local High School in Missouri. When discussing the deficit in true "Blame Bush" form Obama said "Number one we inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit...that wasn't me."
The fact as pointed out so admirably by Mr. Woodward in his article for the Associated Press is this..Congress controls the purse strings, not The President and it was under Democratic control for Obama's last two years as an Illinois Senator. Obama supported the bailout package in President Bush's final months....a package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger.
Hats off and kudos to Mr. Woodward for clearing that up...and that's what shim sez...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Interesting....Is The Honeymoon Over?

Poll numbers released this morning showed that 52% of Americans feel the country is headed in the right direction. Given the fact that President Obama is just completing his first 100 days and it has been a virtual mainstream media love fest since his inauguration I thought the numbers would be much higher than that.
Those numbers are sure to go down as he gets further into his Presidency and the "Blame Bush for everything" excuse holds less weight, Americans begin to realize this $800 billion dollar spending package that was jammed down our throats isn't what it was touted to be, and people realize that his trotting all over the world and apologizing for America's past behavior while fawning over petty anti American dictators like Chavez and Ahmadinejad are definately not in America's best interest. And that's what shim sez.......

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kudos....Yes...Kudos to Obama

While I'm often critical of President Obama and the current Administration I must give credit when I believe credit is due. While I was critical of Obama's original silence on the Somali hostage issue I have to say that the end result is what counts. He gave the order to "shoot to kill" and the end result is three pirates dead, one pirate captured and one American returned home safely. He followed it up with a stern warning to future pirates and terrorists alike that America will not allow this type of action in the future. All in all a job well done.
The question now being asked is how do we handle future pirate hijacking attempts?
I think the answer is simple. Effective immediately arm all American cargo ships and give them the green light to shoot to kill if there is even the slightest attempt to hijack their ship.....and that's what shimsez.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lobbyists? Can it be?

Remember all of the outrage among President Obama and his liberal pals in Congress last week when it came to the AIG bonuses? Why...they were so angry they were going to force the executives to give the money back! They even discussed a plan to tax some bonuses at 90%!Well apparently since then Congress has been hammered by powerful Wall St. lobbyists urging the President and Congress to rethink their positions. Now we're hearing comments from The Administration like "The President doesn't want to govern out of anger" and the liberal diva of congress Nancy Pelosi recently said "we want to guard against collateral damage to those who had nothing to do with this."
Funny...I remember candidate Obama campaigning against lobbyists saying he was going to "change the way Washington does business and run the lobbyists out of Washington!"
Apparently lobbyists are only evil and need to be run out of town when they are dealing with a Republican Administration....and that's what shim sez...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Imagine the Outrage

For all of you that saw President Obama's appearance with Jay Leno last night, can you imagine the outrage among the liberal media if a Republican like George Bush, Dick Cheney or Rush Limbaugh made a disparaging remark about The Special Olympics? It would have been front page news in every newspaper and the top story on all newscasts with everyone demanding an apology for such insensitive remarks.
Yet a liberal Democrat like Barack Obama makes fun of his poor bowling score by comparing it to something in the Special Olympics and we barely hear anything about it......And that's what shim sez...

AIG Questions

Let me get this straight. First President Obama and Congress demonize AIG executives for paying out $165m in bonuses after accepting millions in government bailout money. Then Liberal icon and head of the Senate Banking Committee (you know the guy in charge when all the banks were collapsing) Senator Christopher Dodd and Boy Wonder Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner admit (after originally denying it) that they were both involved and aware of the loophole that was created to allow the bonuses to be paid.
Now here's where it really gets interesting...Congress then decides to do what they do best and issue a large 90% tax on the bonuses but get this...ONLY ON INDIVIDUALS THAT EARNED OVER $250,000! Class warfare at it's finest!
Then to top the day off it is revealed that 13 unnamed companies that received government bailout money owe over $220m in back taxes to the Federal Government!
However fear not...President Obama has things firmly in hand. While all this was going on he spent the day filling out his NCAA brackets and yukking it up with Jay Leno....and that's what shim sez...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dodd Must Go

Today was certainly a rough day for President Barack Obama and his administration. First of all it was revealed that Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke served on the Board of Directors of AIG from 2001-2008 (but of course he knew nothing about executive bonuses).
It was also revealed that 13 corporations that received bail out money from Congress owe over 200 million dollars in back taxes.
If these two items weren't enough,the real blow came when one of the liberal icons in Congress (and a key architect of the $800billion dollar spending plan that was rammed down our throats) Christopher Dodd did an about face and admitted that he did indeed help craft a loophole in the bill that allowed AIG Corporate Executives to collect over $165 million in bonus money!
I've long been critical of Dodd's role in our economic meltdown as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee but this latest revelation takes the cake! In my opinion it's time for him to step down....and hopefully the other three stooges of Congress.... Pelosi, Reid and Barney Frank will soon follow......and that's what shim sez.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is the Honeymoon Over?

Latest Pew Research polls have President Obama's overall approval rating slipping to 59%. That's down from 64% just last month. Now that word is out that he is considering an outrageous proposal that would have veterans pay for war related injuries with their own insurance his popularity is sure to fall even further. With the exception of the far left fringe in the Democratic Party that plan is sure to anger the overwhelming majority of Americans and rightfully so.
This along with the fact that Americans are becoming more and more wary of The Administrations plans for the economy make me wonder.....Is the honeymoon over? And that's what shim sez.....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Getcha Popcorn Ready....

The biggest act in the NFL is heading to Buffalo with the Bills signing of controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens. While questioned by many this deal is a smart move by the Bills front office.
First of all it gives them a big time playmaker that they have sorely lacked for the past several years. It's going to be tough to double team Lee Evans each game with Owens lined up on the other side of the field.
Yes...he's been a distraction wherever he's been but by signing him for only one year they should be able to minimize the distractions. Owens is a bonafide super star who's work ethic has never been challenged and really wants to win.
For those that are concerned about his negatively effecting team chemistry...we're talking about a team that hasn't appeared in a playoff game in 10 years and has gone 7-9 the past three seasons! What is so sacred about that type of "chemistry" that it can't or shouldn't be shaken up at least a little? Buffalo Bills fans...getcha popcorn ready the show is about to begin...and that's what shim sez.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Down Again....What's up With Rush?

President Obama held a major Healthcare Summit today in Washington. Similar to what has happened everytime he's made a major announcement of any kind involving the economy or healthcare in the past month the stock market plunged downward. This time by almost 300 points. Looks like it's time for the Administration and the media to roll out a fresh batch of Rush Limbaugh stories! And that's what shim sez.....

Dems and Media vs. Rush

With the economy continuing to spin out of control, the stock market plunging at a record setting pace, questions of troop withdrawals in Iraq, and additions in Afghanistan, Presidential Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel went on the talk shows this past weekend and addressed.......Rush Limbaugh!
Since then the ever so willing media has taken up the cause and has done story after story on what Limbaugh's role is in the Republican Party.
Seems to me that our Democratic leaders would have more important issues to concentrate on. Unless of course they want to keep this discussion going and take the focus off the real story.....that Americans in increasing numbers aren't buying into any of the stuff that they have been selling.....and that's what shim sez..

Friday, February 27, 2009

The President vs. The Stock Market

Two things that President Obama has done exceptionally well since being elected (in addition to spending our money) are blaming George Bush for all that is wrong with the economy and demonizing Wall St. and the stock market as nothing but a bunch of fat cat, greedy Wall St. Bankers.
First off, the success of the stock market effects the savings, retirement plans and 401k's of millions of ordinary every day Americans so when his fear mongering, tax the rich, anti corporate America rhetoric causes the market to plunge it effects us all in a very negative way.
Secondly while it's convenient to blame his predecessor for the entire economic mess here are a few facts. Since election day the stock market has dropped 2000 points! In just the four days in February where Obama criticized executive salaries, announced his bank rescue plan, signed the $800 billion spending plan and held his Fiscal Responsibility Summit the market dropped a total of 1037 points on those days alone! Mr. President even though it is very convenient and the adoring press that follows you makes it easy to do so, please stop the rhetoric. All of this mess is occurring on your watch now......and that's what shim sez...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Speech....But Questions Remain

I have to say it was good to hear President Obama sounding more like a leader last night when he addressed Congress and the nation on the economy. It was good to hear reassuring tones rather than constant talk of crisis and gloom and doom scenarios. Why last night he even referred to it as the "worst economic crisis in decades" rather than the usual revisionist history talk of "worst ever" or "worst since the great depression."
I was also pleased to hear him talk about reforming education and putting the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of parents and children.
That said he made a few remarks that made wonder..he claimed that he was NOT a proponent of big government yet his current spending package and additional spending will bloat our government much bigger than it is now.
After getting in a partisan shot about the deficit he inherited, he then claimed that he will "reduce the deficit by half" by the end of his first term. Now I'm no math expert but after seeing the amount of spending in just the first month in office I'd like to see how he plans to do that.
And finally I'd like to refer to what may have been his George Bush #41 "Read My Lips" moment. President Obama guaranteed that "nobody who earns under $250,000 will pay a dime in new taxes." For effect he then repeated "not a dime."
You may recall that Mr. Bush went back on his famous "Read my Lips" pledge to not raise taxes and he was reminded of it constantly by both the media and Democrats and it cost him re election in 1992.
Trouble is if President Obama breaks his "not a dime" pledge he'll have one thing going for him that Mr. Bush didn't.....a main stream media that's willing to look the other way and cover for him...and that's what shim sez.

Monday, February 23, 2009

And this Was His Strength??

Since our "historic" Inauguration last month we've seen the stock market tumble over 1,000 points to a nearly 12 year low of around 7,100. Despite obvious income tax problems and two less than stellar news conferences we were told that the nominee for Treasury Secretary was "the only man in America" to handle the job. We've had an increasingly unpopular $800 billion dollar spending package jammed down our throats and the economy has gone further and further off track.
With an overall lack of experience and a well known weakness in the area of foreign policy the economy was supposed to be President Obama's STRENGTH...the main reason he was elected according to most of the "experts."
If indeed this is true I only hope and pray we are not faced with a foriegn policy crisis under his watch...and that's what shim sez...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not funny.....but interesting...

While not being a member of the politically correct crowd I must admit that I see no humor in the now famous (or infamous) New York Post comic depicting the police shooting of the chimp.
First of all it's not funny. Second of all it's just wrong and offensive in so many ways.
But I must ask again...where was all of this outrage and news coverage when President Bush was personally attacked on a regular basis by the likes of that liberal hack Keith Olbermann and others in the television and print media? I find that part of the equation very interesting.....and that's what shim sez......

Monday, February 16, 2009

Revising History

While there is no denying we are going through tough economic times in this country President Obama and our liberal friends in Congress need a little history lesson.
We keep hearing phrases like "this is the worst economic situation since the Great Depression" or this is this worst "in our history."
The simple fact is it is the worst it has been SINCE 1980! Back in the early '80's inflation, gas prices, mortgage rates and unemployment were all higher than they are today!
My advice is simple...rather than fear mongering, revising history to make yourselves look good and passing outrageous spending plans disguised as a stimulus package you should be cutting tax rates and taxes, cutting government spending and creating jobs to stimulate the economy NOW.....and that's what shim sez...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where's Barney and Chris?

Time Magazine lists the 25 people to blame for our current economic meltdown. I find it interesting that the names of liberal icons Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd appear nowhere on the list. As Chairmen of the House Finance Committee and the Senate Banking Committee shouldn't they bear SOME responsibility for this mess we are in?
Our economy and more importantly our nation will be much better off when the likes of Frank, Dodd, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are sent packing and booted out of Washington....and that's what shim sez...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Say it ain't so Joe...

One of the most interesting moments in President Obama's pitch for his spending plan last night came when a reporter asked him to interpret comments that Vice President Biden made a few days earlier. Obama said "I can't remember what Joe was referring to...not surprisingly."
While it's a known fact that Biden has been putting his foot in his mouth for year's it's surprising that Obama would just throw him under the bus in front of a national audience like that.
Let's face it he only needed Biden on the ticket for his foreign policy experience to help him get elected. Now that he's in it appears that he has little use for him. Looks like "The Biden watch" is on..Oh well at least Joe paid his taxes....and that's what shim sez.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where have you gone Ronald Reagan...

As this weekend comes to a close I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the birthday this past friday of former President Ronald Reagan. I think of President Reagan often during these trying economic and world times because it was on Jan 20th 1981 that he took over a nation in crisis both on the economic and world front somewhat similar to what President Obama faces today.
However this is where the similarities between these two men end.
Quite frankly it can be argued that the economic crisis that Reagan inherited was much worse than the situation we are facing today.
However, rather than partisan rhetoric, Government spending programs and fear mongering Reagan did two things. He inspired...and he led.
In his Inauguration speech he so brilliantly stated that "Government was not the solution to the problem...government was the problem." Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank and company should try to remember this when they try and jam this government spending program down Americans throats!
President Reagan put American back to work at home and through toughness and a "Peace through strength" mentality brought respect and pride to our country on the foreign policy front after four years of bumbling from the Jimmy Carter Administration.
Inspiration...and leadership. Similar to the lines of that old song I often find myself asking...where have you gone Ronald Reagan a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you....and that's what shim sez....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Taxing Times for Obama

I don't know what angers me more..the fact that Daschle didn't pay his taxes or the fact that he apparently told Obama insiders about this problem in June AND THEY NOMINATED HIM ANY WAY! Typical Liberal gall! Can you imagine the media fallout if this was happening in a Republican Administration? First it was Geithner, then Nancy Killefer and now Daschle! All of these problems and Blago hasn't begun to sing yet! It's going to get very interesting....and that's what shim sez.....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just a thought

First it was the Treasury Secty. and now Tom's a thought...rather than liberal spending packages disguised as a stimulus package let's start by getting Obama appointees to pay their back taxes!!! That would certainly be a start to helping our economy.....that's what shim sez....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Rough start for Dems

The Blago mess, the Caroline Kennedy fiasco, and the new Head of our Treasury Dept. didn't pay his taxes!.....rough start to 2009 for liberal Dems......that's what shim sez....


Hats off to House Republicans (and 11 Democrats) for seeing the so called stimulus package for what it really is...a glorified spending package. If it were truly a stimulus package all of the money would be put to use asap to um....STIMULATE the economy. Much of this package doesn't go into effect until 2010 or beyond! Over $300mil to fight STD's??$400million to fight global warming? Just a few examples of typical liberal Democrat runaway spending proposed in this plan. Let's pass a true stimulus plan to jump start the economy that includes more tax cuts that lead to true job creation and LESS spending! As usual the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd.....and I'm afraid our new President just don't get it! Steelers by 10! And that is what shim sez.......

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


As usual Rush is right! In the latest flap over Rush Limbaugh's comments about hoping our new President was LIBERALISM that rush wants to see fail NOT President Obama! by the way... I agree. If President Obama wants to govern from a more centrist positon I'm all for him succeeding. However if he tries to take our country too far to the left (which early indications are he won't) and pander to the Pelosi and Reid mentality...I hope that fails too.
As for the media outrage to Rush's comments about our new President...where was all that outrage when the likes of Keith Olberman and others brutally insulted former President Bush at will?