Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where are You Hiding Madame Speaker?

In the five days since Nancy Pelosi stammered, stuttered and back peddled her way through her last press conference the public has neither seen or heard from her.
Madame Speaker...you accused the CIA of lying to Congress and have little if any proof to back your story. It appears obvious that during your press conference you changed and twisted your story to suit your own partisan needs.
I urge you to come out of hiding and do the only two honorable things that are left to do. Apologize to the CIA and the American people......and resign. And that's what shim sez...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Obama Flip Flop

There seems to be an interesting pattern developing here. During the bright lights of the campaign and the first 100 days in office Barack Obama makes bold claims about things he is going to change in Washington or failed policies from the Bush Administration that he is going to eliminate. However once things die down and he thinks things through a bit he changes his mind. It happened a few months ago when Obama after promising to "rid Washington of special interest lobbyists" during the campaign and promising to punish any AIG executive that collected a bonus (remember the proposed 90% tax on the bonuses?) changed his tune after he recieved pressure from.....Insurance industry lobbyists claiming that he didn't want to unfairly punish those that really deserved a bonus.
It happened the other day when after weeks of playing partisan politics and grandstanding to release photos of alleged torture he changed his mind after finally realizing what most intelligent thinking Americans realized all along...that release of the photos would do more harm than good to America and it's troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Finally it appears he is about to do it again. After months of campaigning and talking about the failure of military tribunals during the Bush Administration (he actually suspended the tribunals during his first week in office saying they were a failure when it came to trying terror suspects) it was announced that he is going to indeed RESUME the military tribunal system! Now some on the left are saying that this is an example of how our new President thinks things through and isn't afraid to admit when he makes a mistake. I'm wondering...is that it or is it the fact that he is in over his head and doesn't really have a plan at all? Makes you wonder doesn't it? And that's what shim sez...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting a Little Uncomfortable Madame Speaker?

After just watching Nancy Pelosi stammer, stutter, back peddle and act overly defensive during today's press conference where she was grilled by the press on when she knew about the water boarding issue a few things appear crystal clear.
First of all she is lying. Second of all it is obvious that she saw her main priority as House Speaker was to get a new President elected at all costs, and third in true liberal fashion she blames the previous administration...including the CIA for EVERYTHING!
Oh and by the way I think there is one other thing that is crystal clear after watching this embarrassing performance...we've just seen the beginning of the end of Nancy Pelosi's tenure as Speaker of the House.....and that's what shim sez.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Presidential Flip Flop on Abuse Photos

Citing that the release of photos showing U.S. troops abusing prisoners could cause harm to U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama has now changed his mind and is seeking to block the release of the photos he originally wanted made public.
In addition he said that the photos had already served their purpose in the investigation of a "small number of individuals." Those cases were all concluded in 2004 and the president said "the individuals have been identified and appropriate action has been taken."
If that is indeed the case then I'm confused. If appropriate action was taken against the individuals responsible for the abuse in 2004...maybe President Bush and his Administration didn't condone "torture" as Obama trumpeted throughout the campaign and the first 100 plus days of his election!
I just wish the President would have come to his senses and put an end to this nonsense sooner. Instead he's now put the lives of thousands of U.S soldiers at risk all in the name of partisan politics and the fulfillment of a flimsy campaign promise. And that's what shim sez...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dinner Double Standard

The old liberal double standard was in full force this weekend at the White House Correspondence Dinner. While partisan joking and fun is always a part of this annual event, Host Wanda Sykes crossed the line of decency when she bitterly attacked Rush Limbaugh comparing him to Osama Bin Laden and stating "he was the 20th hijacker but he was so spaced out on oxycontin he missed the flight".
I can only imagine the outrage coming from the left had a republican or conservative dinner host made those outrageous remarks about a liberal democrat! Why.... commentators the likes of that liberal hack Keith Olberman would have been beside himself and Al Sharpton would have been busy organizing a rally by now had the shoe been on the other foot!
Again, partisan humor at this event is one thing but to compare Limbaugh (or anyone else) to Bin Laden and joke that they were the 20th hijacker on that awful day in the name of "humor" is beyond me.
Still waiting for the anger from the left over those comments....or maybe those things are only terrible if a republican says them......and that's what shim sez...