Thursday, April 30, 2009

He Said What????

Never at a loss for words, when discussing the current flu epidemic this morning on the Today Show rather than urging everyone to remain calm and not over react, Vice President Joe Biden said that he would encourage anyone in his family to "avoid any airlines or subway travel." Just the type of level headed, calming leadership we need at a time like this. On second thought maybe old Joe knew what he was doing...he probably wants to put the airline and transit industries in the same shape as the auto and banking industries so the government can take them over too! And that's what shim sez...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another "Tough" Night With The Press

After watching the Celebrity in Chief eloquently read his opening remarks off the teleprompter to begin tonight's "press conference" we then heard 13 questions from pre-selected reporters ranging from the flu (he told everyone to wash their hands and stay home from work if your sick), to immigration, a few questions on waterboarding (with very little follow up), one on how the stimulus plan effects minorities, and a real beauty on what has "enchanted" him since he took office. My point is there wasn't one question...not one...on the economy! Hats off to David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and company for arranging this soft ball game between the President and the "tough" national press corps....and that's what shim sez...

Obama Disowns Deficit He Helped Create

Credit goes to AP writer Calvin Woodward for calling President Obama out when he was speaking to a group today at a local High School in Missouri. When discussing the deficit in true "Blame Bush" form Obama said "Number one we inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit...that wasn't me."
The fact as pointed out so admirably by Mr. Woodward in his article for the Associated Press is this..Congress controls the purse strings, not The President and it was under Democratic control for Obama's last two years as an Illinois Senator. Obama supported the bailout package in President Bush's final months....a package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger.
Hats off and kudos to Mr. Woodward for clearing that up...and that's what shim sez...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Interesting....Is The Honeymoon Over?

Poll numbers released this morning showed that 52% of Americans feel the country is headed in the right direction. Given the fact that President Obama is just completing his first 100 days and it has been a virtual mainstream media love fest since his inauguration I thought the numbers would be much higher than that.
Those numbers are sure to go down as he gets further into his Presidency and the "Blame Bush for everything" excuse holds less weight, Americans begin to realize this $800 billion dollar spending package that was jammed down our throats isn't what it was touted to be, and people realize that his trotting all over the world and apologizing for America's past behavior while fawning over petty anti American dictators like Chavez and Ahmadinejad are definately not in America's best interest. And that's what shim sez.......

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kudos....Yes...Kudos to Obama

While I'm often critical of President Obama and the current Administration I must give credit when I believe credit is due. While I was critical of Obama's original silence on the Somali hostage issue I have to say that the end result is what counts. He gave the order to "shoot to kill" and the end result is three pirates dead, one pirate captured and one American returned home safely. He followed it up with a stern warning to future pirates and terrorists alike that America will not allow this type of action in the future. All in all a job well done.
The question now being asked is how do we handle future pirate hijacking attempts?
I think the answer is simple. Effective immediately arm all American cargo ships and give them the green light to shoot to kill if there is even the slightest attempt to hijack their ship.....and that's what shimsez.....