Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big F_ _ _ing Deal

Earlier this week just after introducing President Obama to talk about the administrations latest money grab, the healthcare scam, Vice President Joe Biden could be heard "whispering" in the Presidents ear "this is a big f_ _ _ing deal."
It should be no surprise that the mainstream liberal media, virtual shills for Obama and company have reported very little about the incident. Apparently it isn't a big f_ _ _ing deal when a democratic vice president makes a ridiculous vulgar comment within earshot of a live microphone. Guess they are all writing it off as just "Joe being Joe."
Can you imagine the outrage and coverage this would have received if Dick Cheney or some other prominent republican would have been overheard uttering a comment like that?
It would have appeared prominently in every major newspaper in the country. Liberal hacks like Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews would have been crying foul and demanding an apology!
The arrogance of this administration, congressional democrats and all that support them is unbelievable! To all of you I say enjoy it now. Mid term elections are just seven months away. What happens then Mr. Vice President will be a REALLY BIG F_ _ _ing deal I assure you! And that's what shim sez...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

He Put WHO In Charge??

With all of the attention that has been paid recently to President Obama and Congressional Dems latest money grab otherwise known as healthcare reform something happened that kind of flew under the radar. The President recently appointed liberal crony Senator Chris Dodd to head up the restructuring of federal financial regulations that would give the government the power to break up any firm that they deem a threat to the economy. Many have called it the biggest federal financial overhaul since the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt.
Chris Dodd. The same Chris Dodd that stood as the head of the Senate Banking Committee in 2008 when banks were collapsing all around us helping to cause the biggest financial meltdown in decades! The same Chris Dodd that admitted to adding language to the $787 billion dollar spending plan that would allow AIG executives to keep their bonuses 24 hours after admitting he had nothing to do with adding the language! The same Chris Dodd who repeatedly refused to consider Bush administration requests to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after questions began to surface about their mortgage deals in 2005 and 2006.
Little wonder Dodd refused to act. It was later revealed that he along with Senator John Kerry and then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were the biggest collectors of campaign contributions from Freddie and Fannie in the last 20 years!
Chris Dodd... facing increasingly tough odds in Connecticut he's done the smart thing and announced he will not seek re election in the upcoming mid terms. Hopefully other incumbent Dems like Harry Reid and others will do the same thing or be booted out via the ballot box in November.Yes....WE....CAN.....and that's what shim sez..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another "Historic" Event

Yes...despite the wishes of the majority of the American people President Obama and Congressional Democrats participated in another "historic" event last night with the ram passing of legislation to overhaul the American healthcare system.
After much eleventh hour wheeling and dealing to even get members of his own party to participate in his latest money grab and attack on business and wealth in this country the President and congressional Dems are celebrating their latest victory. The celebration is sure to be short lived however as mid term elections are just a little over seven months away....and that's what shim sez....