Monday, February 23, 2009

And this Was His Strength??

Since our "historic" Inauguration last month we've seen the stock market tumble over 1,000 points to a nearly 12 year low of around 7,100. Despite obvious income tax problems and two less than stellar news conferences we were told that the nominee for Treasury Secretary was "the only man in America" to handle the job. We've had an increasingly unpopular $800 billion dollar spending package jammed down our throats and the economy has gone further and further off track.
With an overall lack of experience and a well known weakness in the area of foreign policy the economy was supposed to be President Obama's STRENGTH...the main reason he was elected according to most of the "experts."
If indeed this is true I only hope and pray we are not faced with a foriegn policy crisis under his watch...and that's what shim sez...

1 comment:

  1. Though I agree with what you're saying, I wonder why "historic" was put in quotes. Conservative, liberal, moderate, whatever you are, the election WAS historic, if even for the simple fact that it is the first time an african american was elected to the presidency. It was also the first time that a woman has gotten that far in the race. In that respect, I think it was historic and that that aspect shouldn't really be mocked.
    But yes, i agree with your content!
