Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where have you gone Ronald Reagan...

As this weekend comes to a close I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the birthday this past friday of former President Ronald Reagan. I think of President Reagan often during these trying economic and world times because it was on Jan 20th 1981 that he took over a nation in crisis both on the economic and world front somewhat similar to what President Obama faces today.
However this is where the similarities between these two men end.
Quite frankly it can be argued that the economic crisis that Reagan inherited was much worse than the situation we are facing today.
However, rather than partisan rhetoric, Government spending programs and fear mongering Reagan did two things. He inspired...and he led.
In his Inauguration speech he so brilliantly stated that "Government was not the solution to the problem...government was the problem." Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank and company should try to remember this when they try and jam this government spending program down Americans throats!
President Reagan put American back to work at home and through toughness and a "Peace through strength" mentality brought respect and pride to our country on the foreign policy front after four years of bumbling from the Jimmy Carter Administration.
Inspiration...and leadership. Similar to the lines of that old song I often find myself asking...where have you gone Ronald Reagan a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you....and that's what shim sez....

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